how to: 📅 LOCK-IN your blogging routine + working 9 to 5, for the most productive autumn yet!

Blog Post Chapters

September is here, and if you are like me, you’re excited!!!

I mean, I LOVE spring and summer, but I’m also the kind of girlie to romanticise whichever season we are in, because there is a beauty to all 4 seasons, we just need to bring it to the surface.

HANDS-UP who agrees!!!

a new year

Whether it’s because of how we have been programmed, growing up with school, to see September as a start of a new year, or whether there is just something in the air, that makes me feel even more inspired and motivated to lock-in routine and make the goals, on my 2024 Pinterest board, come into fruition. I’m here for it.

I know I’m not the only one feeling this way, since I see a lot of Tiktokers and Instagrammers sharing the same (maybe I’ve been brainwashed by the socials, who knows). Regardless, I love it!

It makes me feel good, and alive, and ready to take on this next season, and that’s all that matters.

the seasonal shift

Shifting into a new season requires transition in some shape or form, whether it’s:

  • your routine; to adapt to changes in energy levels, brightness levels.
  • your nutrition; you might feel the need for heartier food with the colder temperatures.
  • your goals; entering a new quarter of the year may reflect, in some way, a progression in how you want to level-up your blogging strategy.


No matter how you decide to embark on this autumn, I want you to make yourself a promise, that you will do your best to make it the best autumn yet!

It won’t just pass you by, because believe me, I know my 2023 autumn did just about that. Now, I look back, and see so many ways in which I could have made the most of what the season had to offer! But no regrets also, because we transition and grow into our authentic selves, more and more, through life.

It’s helpful to be aware of the shift that happens when we enter a new season, like autumn.

awareness is key

Something so simple, but that really makes the whole difference!

It mentally prepares us for any changes in mood or energy, and can help us prepare our routines to make our transition more adaptable or smooth, so we don’t end up going to our 9 to 5 (for now) and then coming back home to sleep the whole time (not the worst, but we want to create memories in our 20s and slay at our blogging goals!).

If you want tips on how to romanticise your autumn, check my other blog posts, here, where I share my personal, specific recommendations (not just generic advice)!

Embodying the changes that lay ahead, with the seasonal shift into autumn, is us being better prepared for success in our online business/blogs also!

what to expect

Autumn is here, and we all know a few things to expect; at least if you live somewhere like in the UK.

  • Darkness most of the time. Night by 4pm, dark in the early mornings, dark days.
  • Colder days. Rainier days.


As a result, possible:

  • Lower energy / more need for sleep
  • Temptation to spend every spare minute wrapped up, watching Netflix
  • Lower mood from potentially less social plans and social energy


If we know what to expect with the coming of autumn, then we can much better plan to optimise our wellbeing and joy, so that we can lock-in our routine, stay on-track to achieve our goals, and still feel fulfilment from it all!

Ways we can try to adapt to autumn to ensure we have higher energy levels, elevated mood and more willpower to stay on-track with our blogging business, and future dream life, is switching around your:

  • work schedule
  • work environment


+ as well as reinforcing the… self-care and pamper sessions, treating yourself to autumn-themed treats and solo dates (which I cover in a separate blog post here!).

optimise – schedule

As it gets darker, whilst working a 9 to 5, finding the willpower to work on our Blogs (or online business of any sorts) can be quite challenging to our discipline (not because we don’t like Blogging or are not serious about our business, but because we are all but humans who will forever be tempted by comfort!).

So, how do we go about this?

Well, I have 2 options that leave you with a completely free evening for all the cosy blanket, movie nights, OR hobby-filled activities, however you’d like to play with your routine, and what gives you joy!

As girls working 9 to 5, in our 20s, trying to live a full and filled life, we would target the only free time that we have (for now): early mornings, lunch breaks, and weekends.

My personal suggestion are:

  • Weekends. Time-blocking your online business work for the weekends. Not all weekend, but maybe take a Saturday morning (for example) for a few hours and batch content ahead. This way, you can relax after work on the weekdays, but also make use of your brainpower in, some of, your free time to push your business forward.
  • Lunch breaks. This one may sound quite unconventional, but trust me, it’s incredible how much you can get done in 1 hour, when that’s all you have. You may prefer to use this time to relax and unwind from the 9 to 5 shift, but also might prefer using this time vs using your time before/ or after shift. So, it’s a good one to consider! With autumn here, the weather isn’t as inviting for lunch walks or getting out, so it may be a good way to adapt to the season, and then treat yourself to an evening of sheer relaxation after 5pm strikes…
  • (I am definitely an early girlie but this one is not for me during darker seasons, but in case anyone fancies) Early mornings. Waking up earlier and doing a little bit of work on your Blog business, BEFORE your 9 to 5… I would not go for this option personally, because I need enough time to smooth my creativity into a flow state to create content for my Blog, that I am proud of. HOWEVER, it really is one of the only options, in terms of time availability as 9 to 5 girlies. Good thing about this: your evenings are 1000% free for Netflix and chilling, or hobby-girl thangs!!!


You get the gist; the whole point is to see what time you have available, and switch-up your schedule to whatever benefits you, personally, during Autumn.

I had written another blog post on how to create time for your online business, whilst working 9 to 5, which can serve you as a general baseline, but going even further to be specific as to the season of year leaves no room for excuses, and gives you all the tools possible to have the most productive season yet!

For me, personally, this Autumn I will be making use of lunch breaks + weekends to LOCK-IN my blogging schedule.

My logic behind this preference of mine:

  • Occasional Saturday mornings: I’ll make it cute and something to look forward to! (more on that in “work environments”)
  • Lunch breaks: will boost my efficiency for quality over quantity, and provide me with a good weekly break-down of what I want to get done by month-end


I hope me sharing my perspective provides you with some insight into, perhaps, a different way of how to practically shuffle your routine, as someone who’s in the same shoes as you, and share some inspo to expand your mind on the possibilities of making things work, even when it feels too much to handle or too much to put on your plate.

optimise – environment

ooh I love this one!

This one’s all about romanticising away as the girly-pops do!

Changing up your work environment, and by work YES, I mean your Blog or online business, even if it isn’t your full-time yet, even if you’re still working 9 to 5, even if there is no one watching your content yet, it IS your work, because it will become your full-time, lifelong career if you choose to keep going, soon enough.

But back to the original plot, by changing up your work environment, it can honestly completely elevate, excite and reinvent your experience when working on your online business.

It’s kind of like when you’re studying for exams, back in school, but way better because this is your own project with full control of everything as the boss girl you are!

Honestly, taking your laptop, putting on a cute outfit, and going to a café or remote work space, feels so amazing, and makes it a much funner process to content create.

If you’re in London, or passing by, my personal favourites would have to be:

  • Shaman’s Café, Bermonds Locke
  • The Hoxton, Holborn
  • Burr & Co Cafe, Kimpton Fitzroy Hotel

Besides this being the ultimate way of romanticising your entrepreneurial journey, BEFORE you have the time freedom to really embody and live out your dream lifestyle goals, it helps boost your energy levels and focus.

Being able to work on your Blog, or online business, from somewhere outside of your home, makes you go harder since you have others around you doing the same, and that social influence indirectly holds you accountable. ON TOP OF THAT, if you have a work-from-home day, it’s still doable but you’re more likely to not be on your A-game, since your body will associate your environment to the vibe, and the work ethic will reflect it.

  • Home. VIBE: rest, chill-out, sleep and feel sleepy –> likely to get less done, and to not have as much creative juices flowing.
  • Work from café or remote working space. VIBE: focus, determination, grind, goals, vision, and work mode –> likely to get more done in less time, and feel more inspired to deliver more quality.


Maybe it’s not for everyone, but I’d say for most of us, this would be the case, unless you have a designated office in your home, which as 9 to 5 girlies in our 20s, I’m pretty sure most of us don’t; we’re still trying to make it in our online businesses, am I right?!

Setting the scene will set the intention, and the rest follows. Placing yourself in an environment that increases your chances of success in your blogging routine, will automatically always make it a good idea, specially if you are trying to lock-in your routine for the darker and cosier season of autumn!

Since we don’t have all the time in the world, we have to re-evaluate how we can make the most of the spare time we do have, and this is a great way to do so, in hopes you can have extra free time for enjoyment and filling your own cup. ♡


I hope that has helped and inspired you to look ahead to the Autumn season with a lot more excitement and self-belief, that you will find your routine that works for you, that makes you look forward to it, and shuffling around your schedule to make it work regardless of the obstacles or strains. Making it into a positive in the way we best can!

The perfect equation to locking-in routine for the most productive autumn yet! : awareness (time resources, when you work best, seasonal expectations that may present potential barriers for you) – romanticising your blogging routine (make it appealing to you via switching up work environments, times, and treating yourself with self-care).

Comment down below how YOU are keeping up with your blogging, or online business, routine, whilst working 9 to 5, as a girlie in her 20s! Regardless, be sure to praise yourself, because you are doing the very best you can!

If you’re interested in some more relatable content on girlies in their 20s, entrepreneurial blogging success whilst working 9 to 5, or ways to make money online for financial freedom, check out my other blog posts here.

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