3 WEIRD symptoms in my first 3 months pregnant
APPETITE? No clue!
By weird, I mean: symptoms I thought were weird during my first trimester!
If you don't know yet, I'm about to be a mum... (it's so weird to say and think of; check out my last blog post, and you'll know why I'm saying this).
I am just coming up to the end of my first 3 months, and there have been a few symptoms that I had just never heard of, either because it felt too taboo for other girlies to share about it online, maybe I just didn't find that crowd, or perhaps it isn't that common.
Here are 3 symptoms I was quite surprised to come by...
Yeah! I mean, what?!
Mostly from about 6 weeks to about 10 weeks (very rough estimate), I was experiencing actual cramps, in my lower abdomen.
It almost felt as if I was about to get my period at times, and all that helped was tummy rubs to try and soothe or just laying down.
This, to me, was so weird because I had never had any pregnant lady in my circle (the whole 2 of them ahah) or my perception of this, was simply not there.
I thought maybe later in the pregnancy when the belly starts stretching more, you might feel it, but not from 1.5months already!
I was having some other symptoms, around similar times, like pink/red discharge, and so I got checked by the doctor and everything was fine.
However, the vast DIFFERENCE in reaction I got, depending on the nurse that attended me was MAD.
I remember the first nurse absolutely had A WHOLE GO AT ME, for not getting checked sooner (little did she know my decision to continue my pregnancy was a very recent and turbulent one, more on that here). She flooded me with worry that something might be wrong.
The second nurse was the complete opposite and simply said it's your body expanding, since I have a petite figure.
I got checked and everything was fine with my health, but it would be nice to know that cramps might not be any indication (alone) that something was wrong with me.
I guess it was just a weird symptom not many people speak about or experience.
I don't just mean momentarily, I mean for a good while and always needing to pee.
Right now, I'm needing to wake up once every night just to pee, and then by the time I'm back in bed, I take a while to fall asleep again and sometimes it's not the heavy sleep I fell asleep to.
So, this one was WEIRD for me for it to be happening ALREADY in the first trimester.
Like, I thought this was something that would happen anywhere from 5 months onward (according to absolutely no research, just my random guess). I get that when baby gets bigger, your bladder gets pushed down so, of course, you would need to wake up at night to go toilet, and consequently, wake up every night.
BUT in no way (!) did I think this would happen already from like week 4.
Apparently, this is our bodies preparing us already for motherhood; AKA the sleepless nights, the adjustment to having to be a bit lighter on sleep to be able to provide for baby's needs throughout the night.
It's fascinating what our bodies do, and I'm glad that surprisingly enough, I'm not feeling exhausted (as I used to before) if I didn't get my full 8 hours of sleep. It's as if our bodies are equipping us for this!
At the same time, I miss having my full night of sleep already...😭
APPETITE? no clue!
The one thing I thought was either I would be way hungrier, and want to eat everything.
I would have such nausea or food aversion, I'd want to eat nothing.
No way did I think I'd be experiencing both, ALMOST SIMULTANEOUSLY.
I don't know if this is just me, but specially in month 2! I would be the whole morning feeling like the thought of food was a bit icky, you know? Without even feeling nausea fully.
The moment it's been 'long enough' for my body, I switch the flip into full-blown ravenous "I need food now" type of girlie. As soon as I have finished eating, I am back to feeling as if the thought of food is just not the one.
I can only explain this by my body being hungry, and so manipulating itself, to get me to eat out of need.
However, it was so weird to me the switching between the 2 modes, all in 1 day, without even having the sickness everyone talks of (which is not just morning by the way, it is completely whenever it wants to show up, even at midnight!).
So, there's my 3 weird symptoms during my first 3 months pregnant!
It is still a lot for me to digest, emotionally, mentally, physically (as it is for all of us, but I think it takes a significant weight when this is something you never WANTED for yourself).
Comment on this blog post if you have experienced any of these symptoms, or any others that you consider to be "weird" and let's connect!
I'll be sharing everything all the content around unexpected pregnancy, whilst merging this with my continual self-concept of wanting to be a boss girlie entrepreneur, blogger, self-employed, boss of my own time and financial freedom, with all the aesthetics, fulfilment, and fun (as much as possible)!
If this sounds like you, stay for the ride, and if you have any specific questions about my personal experience, feel free to comment them and I will reply or make blog posts on them as soon as possible. ♡
Own your Womanhood. Own your Time.
I’ll be logging updates throughout this whole journey as a mother-to-be, working to be an entrepreneur, but to also still preserve the girlhood within, to try and be her best self, and live her happiest life, so keep-up with me through the blog!
I release a new blog post every Friday at 1pm! (UK-time)
Let me know if you’re in a similar headspace (pregnant or not), being in our 20s is confusing, and taking control of our story is the only way we can take ownership of our happiness and live out our dream life.
I document my unwanted pregnancy journey at 25, taking control of my narrative, figuring out being a girl in my 20s, chasing my dream life, and conquering my boss babe dream of becoming a self-employed, entrepreneur / Blogger!