📝Don’t know what to write about on your Blog? Start here!

Blog Post Chapters

No matter how long your notes may be on blog post ideas, sometimes you’re not feeling too inspired to write about that particular thing yet, or maybe you simply have no idea or clue at all… and that’s normal!

You may love blogging but sometimes there is nothing obvious that you feel is the next right blog post, or the one that is moving you the most recently.

That has been me through and through at-times, and I am only 4 months into my cute little Blog space over here (soon to be grand I affirm it!), let alone if you have been at it for longer, or maybe you’re just starting.

I’m not going to tell you the usual of “use this website” and “use this tool”, I’m going beyond that because anyone can google tools and websites to help with certain things, I aim to bring you fresh content you wouldn’t expect. So, off to it then!


Yes, I am fully about to tell you to go look at what others are doing.

Not in a way for you to copy, but in a way for you to be inspired and broaden your mind as to what else you could be talking about on your Blog. Because maybe you just don’t know what to write about because your content is very specific, and therefore have quite a narrow spectrum of topics to speak on.

Have a search of Bloggers in your niche, and see what posts they have on their Blog!

I would recommend approaching this as genuinely and purely as a reader, and see:

  • what posts or content speaks to you
  • what catches your attention
  • why does it catch your attention
  • what about the content resonates with you


Ultimately, this will get you to embody what your reader may also want to read on your Blog, since you are a reflection of your audience in many ways! Whether its’ through shared goals (such as quitting their 9 to 5 and being a blogger full-time), shared experiences (being a girlie in their 20s), or shared likes (like going on solo dates and having lots of girl time or hobbies). Therefore, really nurture whatever connects you to your people, because that is what will keep your readers coming back… and truly create a community beyond the Blog!

I do have to, however, also put a disclaimer in here, which is don’t get too fixated on looking at other Bloggers, and what content they are putting out (I’m all for supporting and being involved in the community, but just wait for it!) but when you do get too immersed into other Bloggers content, you may unconsciously repurpose their content onto your Blog.

You may not intend to copy them but you might just end up recycling content, which will not help you on your Blogging journey either, since your audience will love you for your authenticity and for how you stand-out in your unique style and identity.

I know it’s a very thin line, but just keep this in-mind in case it is something that ends up happening with you. I would recommend simply having a brief look, doing the above reflection and seeing how your community could benefit or enjoy this if you were to deliver it in your own personal way.

what’s relatable?

This one is all about looking to yourself.

FOR EXAMPLE, if you write about how to start a blog, or blogging advice, and you now have a Blog; it means you also once were looking for this information on Blogs before starting your own right?

What was the kind of content you were searching for, or tips you were wanting help with?

  • For me, I remember I was very confused at the concept of hosting and what to pick, or how to go about this, before even starting this Blog, so I wrote about this in my blog posts here: “beginner bloggers: host your Blog with this!“.


Or maybe, you can even look at what you are currently struggling with, or what you have learnt, for those who may be going through the same as you.

  • In my second month of Blogging (so only 2 months ago!) I remember my Blog glitched and the blog pages couldn’t even be open. I ended up figuring out, quite easily actually! And so, I then shared about how I got through this hurdle, by myself as a beginner blog, here on the Blog for whoever may go through or is going through it too: “how to fix WordPress blog problems (beginner blogger common problems)“.


ALSO, more simply what content did you enjoy seeing?

  • For me, I loved seeing income report blog posts because it gave me hope for the day I get there! I haven’t done that yet on here, since I don’t have income report but the very second I do, it will be the first blog post I write! Fully transparent breakdown of everything I earn coming very soon.


Or what content did you feel wasn’t answered?

  • I felt when I looked for other bloggers and their experiences, I craved to see more of time-stamped reports of how the experience is as someone who also works 9 to 5, and isn’t putting in 40 hours a week into their blogs, because they can’t, or want to prioritise having balance in their life in their 20s. I found a lot more on income reports, but not on how long it actually took to get there, or what it took to get there. That’s why I include this in my Blog, as you can see here: “my first month blogging with a 9 to 5: my experience and takeaways“.


By answering these questions yourself, you bridge a gap for those who were or are just like you, which is bound to pick up traction with time!

aim for value

I’m not about to get informational on you and say you should teach lessons and give value that way. No.

Value is A LOT more than an exchange of information, but is also an exchange of time, energy and connection with real humans who read your content, and what you have to share with them.

When thinking about what to write, definitely share any lessons you have that can benefit your audience in their Blogging journeys, but also think about how you can provide them value through emotional comfort, or connection or relatability. Being able to share on this level, provides much more of a personal relationship with your readers, which is the basis of any successful and happy community, that goes beyond the Blog!


As you can see, value can manifest itself in multiple ways, and at the end of the day, providing value, in other words, means to write and share content that will make your audience feel good.

reflect your goals

Next up, I would ask for you to reflect on your goals with your Blog.

  • is it to make money with affiliate marketing?
  • is it to build a community?
  • is it to connect with people and be relatable?


If your main goal is to have your Blog make money with affiliate marketing, then this answers your question of what you should write about: anything that reflects your goal! Remaining true to yourself, and always providing quality products and services you truly believe will; help your audience, such as reviews, comparisons, offers, product analysis, and so on.

If you aim to mostly create a community of people who connect with each other, as likeminded individuals, then you need to think about this when writing blog posts. With this goal, your content should reflect more relatable and personal experiences.

  • Or, like me, you may want to have both as goals, in which you would need to have a balance in content that reflects this. Regardless, my most important priority and goal is to create a wholesome community of likeminded girlies in their 20s, so you can even scroll through my blog posts, and see how I have flowed in-and-out through both types of content, but with a heavier emphasis on comfort or relatable posts to truly connect with you.


sum up

As you can see, there are solid ways to help you find what to write about on your next blog post, that stays true to your intention with your Blog, and keeps you on the direction you want to take your online business to.

I think the main point here is to get clear on what you want your Blog to reflect and then constantly keep in-mind that each blog post should demonstrate that. Focus and clarity is what will help you have many more blog post ideas, and stimulate your creativity since you know exactly where to channel your energy, instead of recklessly scrolling through your notes, and not knowing where to start.

These tips provide you with a template to keep your Blog staying authentic, and not have you forget or get distracted by what you truly want your brand to represent.

Regardless, always remember to follow your gut, and stay true to what you feel you would have enjoyed reading if you were your own reader! Be your own biggest fan of the posts you write, and many more will follow with time!