how to build a profitable online business as an introvert: how i plan to and how you can too!

Blog Post Chapters

In her Full Effect is here to help you figure out your 20s in both life AND business.

In this blog, we will dive into how you can make solid and sustainable money online, as someone who doesn’t want to show your face or disclose your identity, but rather create a brand identity, and grow a thriving community off it, providing you with passive profits after all the upfront work is set (more on this coming soon!).

No time wasting here, let’s go!

the business model: Blogging

You may or may not expect this one, but my answer here is going to be BLOGGING.

There are countless blogs that make well over $10,000 per month, and don’t show their face anywhere, but on the other hand, have amazing content that resonate with people and inspires a sense of connection among each other.

Almost every OTHER way you will hear about will either:

A) Involve you using your personal identity/face for personal branding,


B) Not be as scalable of an online business for profitable success.

Therefore, whether you like to write, or don’t enjoy it as much, blogging will be the best way to earn money online as an introvert.

I would also rave about affiliate marketing as an introvert, however, since this can be very hit-or-miss, and reliant on conversions I wouldn’t label it as the BEST way for a PROFITABLE business online, since it may take more time and be less impactful when starting off. I would rather use affiliate marketing as an add-on or bonus, rather than the main business model.

how much money are we talking?

Bloggers can make A LOT of money each month, that easily replaces and surpasses your average 9 to 5 salary.

  • According to several articles, bloggers can make anywhere from $500 to $2000 per month, in their FIRST year of Blogging (which is quite life-changing, given the timeframe; Wix).
  • 25% of Bloggers on WordPress make a full-time living off their blog (SEMRush).
  • Personal Finance Bloggers make nearly an average of $10,000 per month from their blogs (RankIQ).
  • Bloggers can make up to $2,500 per month during their first year (Fit Small Business).
  • The content marketing industry is expected to grow by nearly $600 billion until 2027 (ReportLinker).

Clearly, there is a lot of room for you to make financial freedom-type of money with blogging!

ABUNDANCE MINDSET and COMMITMENT here is what will be KEY in keeping you going.

How do Bloggers actually make money? (blog post coming soon)

real talk & mindset check

Now, let’s keep it real, of course there are also statistics describing the bloggers that don’t make much money from this business model, but that exists with all business models. If you go in with that focus, then you’re already setting yourself up to fail and give up.

Once you commit, stick to it, believe it, and genuinely know that it will happen.

Anything can be accomplished, but you have to believe in yourself, in your capability to learn and adapt, and step into your delulu energy with all the fiery confidence you can muster up!

We are all here to win girlies! At life, at our wildest dreams, at success and at our bestest selves.

We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones.

how I plan to!

Here, I will place the brief layout of how I will build a profitable online business with blogging, for sustainable and solid income, and provide you the detailed breakdown of actionable steps I take on along the way in future blog posts.

To cut out all the unnecessary time on researching how to start a blog, check out my blog post on How to Start A Successful Blog This Year and Quit Your 9 to 5 (coming soon).

So, my Game Plan (because making money online can be fun!):

  • publish blog posts consistently, with realistic goals (for now, 1 per week, which may sound low but best to build it up over time than the reverse).
  • provide quality content that resonates with my audience (targeting what I wished I saw online that I felt was missing, a gap in the market here as well as staying relatable and genuinely connecting with other girls, making friends with like-minded other women, creating a safe space for others to do so too).
  • optimise my content to what my audience seem to respond or engage more with, then it’s rinse and repeat.
  • use Pinterest as my promotional platform to drive traffic (visual search engine, and the epitome social platform of the personal development era we’re currently in, I believe. Plus I’ve seen a lot of other bloggers use Pinterest successfully so seems like a certain win to me).

*A lot more detail into each of the above, and everything overall, will be upcoming on my many blog posts I have ready to publish in the near-future! I’m super excited to share it all with you!

How I plan to speed up my Blogging Success to Earn Income Online ASAP as an introvert (coming soon)

This may all sound like simple steps, but in practice, it is really hard, specially as a girlie in her 20s, trying to juggle a 9 to 5 along with social relationships, and even have time to invest into her self.

The challenge starts with the foundations, and up we build.

I dream to spend my days in control of how I dress, where I am, what I work on, sipping coffees in cute cafés, and giving ultimate time freedom to me and my loved ones. Sound like you too? Comment below and let’s chat!

how you can too…

I am here to show you exactly everything I will be doing to become financially free this year (2024) with blogging, as an introverted girlie, who wants to gain control over her time, financially free my family and live out my bestest life.

Come along with me, copy and paste my strategies, and let’s all get there together!

What to expect!

  • Shortcuts to success (learn from any mistakes I make, save time and energy)
  • My income reports (sharing all the stats, dates and all the details in-between)
  • How long it will take me to make money from my blog (I have affirmed it will happen for me this year!)
  • How I am setting up my blog (the technicalities and follow-along guides, all-you-need on this one platform)
  • How I am time managing with a full-time 9 to 5, social relationships and life (girl talks, life talks, everything talks)
  • LOTS MORE ALONG THE JOURNEY (I can’t wait to see what this becomes!)


There we have it, a clear online business path, market research outline, a game plan and everything you can expect to see from me here on in her Full Effect.

We are strong, intelligent women in our 20s, who are going to make it!

Comment what brings you here; whether you’d like to start a blog or might already even have one!