how to fix WordPress blog problems (beginner blogger common problems)

Blog Post Chapters

Let’s talk about how to fix some common IT/technical problems that come up as a beginner, or even as more experienced, Bloggers; all along the lines of:

  • How to Troubleshoot your WordPress Website
  • How to fix blog theme problems
  • How to fix common WordPress site problems


Even if you’re not the most technological of girlies, don’t worry, I’m not either (seriously)!

If any of these sounds like something you’re looking for, then keep reading!

I will be going through in the following order, so skip to wherever you feel best relates to what you want and need!

  1. Common solutions for common problems on WordPress blog site
  2. My own Personal Story-time
  3. Lessons I learnt, as an online business owner girlie


Quick disclaimer: there may be affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. I only recommend what I personally use and enjoy!


common solutions for common problems on WordPress Blog site

There may be multiple technical issues that come up in your WordPress Blog site, such as plugin updates not being compatible with your version of WordPress, maybe your theme isn’t integrating well with the WordPress platform, cache compatibility, or many other reasons I cannot put into words because I simply don’t understand the IT terms yet!

For reference, if you’re new here, I have a self-hosted (Bluehost) Blog on the Platform, and use Elementor Pro (ofcourse!) for my theme.

However, here are 3 simple (I promise!) fixes to troubleshoot your WordPress Blog to see what is causing the problem and how to solve it:

1: Complete any Pending Updates

How to know if you need to perform any updates on your Blog?

Go over to “Plugins” in your Dashboard (side panel on the left-hand side of your WordPress Blog). You can see this below also!

If there are any updates needed, then they will show up at the top of the Plugins page, as a notice, informing you to update the necessary plugin.

If that’s all done, and problem persists, then move-on to the following simple fix.

2: Deactivate each plugin

Go through each one of your plugins, deactivate one-by-one. Refresh your Blog website, after each one, and see if this fixes your WordPress Blog problem.

If you don’t know how, simply navigate to “Plugins” again, as mentioned above, and scroll down to your list.

As an example, below each plugin, you will see an option to “Deactivate”.

Deactivate each one, and if this plugin isn’t what is causing the glitch on your WordPress website, then proceed to simply Activating (same way) again, and moving onto the next plugin.

Do this to all plugins until you are done!

If plugins aren’t the problem, then try this third simple fix (the one that solved the WordPress site problem I had!).

3: Check your Cache Compatability

I still don’t quite understand what Cache is, but it is a term that comes up a lot, and is some sort of data storage function on the Blog site.

For this one, you need to make sure your cache is compatible so that there are no clashes within your plugins, integrations and WordPress platform.

As you can see, for this one, simply enable the “Cache Compatibility” feature, in Settings, and see if your Blog website goes back to normal!

I’m hoping these three simple fixes can help you troubleshoot your WordPress Blog website, and get your content back out there!

Now onto story time…

PERSONAL story time : what happened to me!

So, shortly before completing 3 months of Blogging (my first Blog ever! this one right here), I noticed something very odd with my Blog page!

To try and make it as clear as possible, my Blog’s main page was experiencing a glitch.

  • The format was off
  • The theme seemed to be completely mixed up
  • Text on top of other text
  • My blog post pages were not accessible (huge heartbreak moment when I realised!)


(I wish I had a Screenshot, when it happened, to show you, but I was so concerned with getting it fixed, it didn’t come to mind!)

My Blog looked dodgy, and was ultimately not active, since my content was not visible. It was public, but there was no way you could read anything since if you clicked onto my Blog posts, everything looked discombobulated (for lack of better wording!).

I immediately felt super discouraged, and down, because I had been working so hard to get my Blog set-up alongside the 9 to 5, and just dealing with life in my 20s, working on being my best self, and it just felt like another roadblock. And that’s okay!

It’s okay to feel like that, you need to allow yourself to feel, because behind your business: is a human.

So, as I did, I took some days to just do ANYTHING ELSE and let myself feel, and refresh again.

After a few days, the emotions weren’t as fresh and I was able to process through the following few lessons I learnt from this experience alone.

the lessons
  • I need to learn to solve different problems in my online business


Like any business owner, I will need to be able to problem-solve, and in order to do that, I need to be adaptable and wear many different hats in order to keep pushing and evolving, as a person, and in my business.

Personally, I am not a very technological girlie. I know I run this Blog and social media (my Pinterest here, if you want to have a look!) but I mean more in the sense of troubleshooting technical problems!

Therefore, to face a problem coming up in my Blog taught me to bridge the gap, in different skills, even if I’m not the most comfortable. And with that, comes the following lesson:

  • I need to do things I’m uncomfortable with


Like any growth in life, or in business, some discomfort will always arise and that is okay; it is simply the nature of the journey.

When I had a problem, with my Blog theme page, I felt uncomfortable to face troubleshooting the technical issues of my Blog, but I know this was something I NEEDED to do, regardless of how I felt.

I guess, a moment of logic over emotion, in action. However, I did give myself a few days to feel, because I believe balance is key.

  • It’s not ALWAYS as hard as what it seems


Sometimes it is, but not always.

I personally found that after a few Google searches to learn how to solve the problem, I tried it on my own Blog, and it worked!

After I did it, it really made me aware that I should embrace these dilemmas with more of an open mind and heart, since it might not be as hard as what my mind makes me anticipate.

  • These experiences make me more confident


With getting through challenges, and making it through, by yourself, comes a super boost in self-confidence.

The challenge is not only about the discomfort, and discouragement, but is also about the huge sense of self-achievement you feel, AFTER you resolve the technical errors in your Blog.

This is something I am more aware of, now, when future challenges arise, because they will, but the more you push through, the more of a track-record you build of all the things you were able to problem-solve. Therefore, I would hope to feel slightly less discouraged each time, whilst still remaining self-compassionate to all the pressures we may experience in our personal lives, that may make it slightly harder to deal with, in the moment.

  • These challenges build my mental resilience


Alike confidence, making it through challenges, in our online business, also builds our mental resilience.

In the moment, a challenge, or problem, presents itself, we are presented with different options.

We can mentally give-in, and just give-up because it feels to hard to keep going. OR we can honour our needs, and maybe give ourselves a few days off and reset, but then come back and even stronger KNOWING that you will figure it out somehow (even if you don’t necessarily know how).

Relating on this note, one of the other main lessons I embraced with this experience as a beginner blogger is…

  • Resilience is NECESSARY for success.


This one is HUGE, and is one that lives in my head rent-free.

As an entrepreneur, blogger, and beginner in the game of making money online, we need to be aware that only those who are resilient will make it through to their financial freedom, and get to the ultimate dream of quitting their 9 to 5s, and living life on their own terms, with an abundance of wealth and time.

Only those who are resilient, will see it through problems, to make sure their online business keeps growing, and that their journey doesn’t end before they get the chance to give their online business the chance it deserves.

You need to have the mental resilience to keep going, not see results, but KNOW that they are coming. To ignore the low Google Analytic stats, the lack of traction, the lack of views, no commissions, no money, and KNOW that the day is coming, that that will all reverse and change abundantly.

I hope this has been good food for thought!

I wanted to provide solutions as beginner bloggers, of how to fix common problems you may have on your WordPress Blog, but also provide my own personal experience, and lessons I took from it, with hopes that this blog post helps solve your WordPress problem.

But also provide some mindset encouragement, and help you build more resilience in your journey to becoming FINANCIALLY FREE.