How to keep writing when NO ONE is READING your Blog…😢

Blog Post Chapters

This post will resonate with every beginner Blogger, or even those that aren’t that beginner, but are still going through this same experience!

I am 4 months into my Blogging journey, and I have already felt my fair share of moments like these (even though my Blog is still a baby, I know), but if anything, your feelings might be even stronger the sooner into your journey, since your mindset can get somewhat more strengthened as you keep going (kind of like a marathon runner, not that I am one, but thought it fit well here ahaha).

How to keep writing when no one is reading, what to do if no one is reading your blog content, how to keep yourself going when it feels like nothing your doing is bringing in views,…That’s all of what we will talk about in a no BS way, and broken down into 4 actionable pillars that cover all bases to give you the foundation to answer the daunting question… “how to keep writing when no one is reading your Blog?”.

don’t rely on stats
  • to tell you if you’re doing well
  • to give you guidance
  • to give you motivation
  • to give you your reason why
  • to give you reassurance


and I could keep going.

Stats will have you thinking you’re doing terribly wrong, your blog content is not going to rank ever, and that people don’t like what you’re putting out.

Not saying there isn’t a slight chance that there may be some truth behind the above statements, but girl if you’re here, we are NOT about that mindset. We know what we serve, and that is not it. We serve quality, entertainment and PERSONALITY. We connect with our audience, it may be just that our audience hasn’t found us yet…

Don’t get me wrong, of course, stats can help demonstrate what content is doing better, but I wouldn’t take 0 pageviews as a sign that you should just quit, and stop blogging.

This one may be a bit obvious, but we have to impose some healthy boundaries where we can check and maybe keep track of how it may be changing monthly (up to you to decide how often is healthiest for you personally, but this is the one for me) so that then you don’t obsess or over-fixate and have it cloud your focus, which is to succeed and reach your financial freedom dream life!!!

To be honest, the last time I checked my stats was when I last reported it here (to keep you all up-to-date on my journey!) which was : “my stats 60 days into blogging: screenshots!“.


I will definitely be doing a 4 month check-in on my Stats with screenshots so you can see, on my next post here, so you can see what it looks like (with consistent posting, except 1 week and a 1/2 of that which I slipped, but that’s okay! It’s normal, we are not machines, don’t be hard on yourself!).

I guess I should check my stats a little bit more, but the whole point here is to not let your stats dictate your path as a blogger, because you’re a baddie who is bound to attract an abundant community from all the magnetic energy you are sharing with the world. Your blog just needs time.

Certain Bloggers, like Sophia Lee in “Perfect Blogging”, have reported that in their first year of blogging they had absolute nothing happening. ONLY after the 1st year, did they start seeing traction picking up. Might not sound like a long time, but a whole 365 days of working towards your dream life constantly, whilst balancing life in your 20s, and not seeing the stats go up will make you feel it!

That’s why actionable number 1 is: we do not rely on stats, because it will only hinder us on our journeys to success as badass bloggers.

write as if everyone’s watching

That’s right! We’re about to play some mind-games on ourselves, because you know what, we need to stay delusional, and to stay delusional, we need to protect and reinforce that energy at all times, SPECIALLY during initial phases of little to no pageviews.

Exactly what you read.

Imagine everyone’s watching, and write that way.

Don’t let your lack of audience, for now, get in your own way. They are coming, believe me.

If you truly trust and enjoy the content you are sharing, then simply be proud and be feeling overjoyed for the fact that one day everyone WILL be watching your content. SERIOUSLY.

We have to be so sure our Blog will blow up with views and attention, that it is as if it has already happened. Think about it, if you are certain your Blog will be a success, then why wouldn’t you approach your content with the same aura? Reflect on that a moment.

I mean, I get it, we’re human, we care about our Blog, of course we are going to get a bit affected at-times when we see that no one is reading our Blog. However, we need to constantly reassure ourselves that it is simply part of the process.

When you see that no one is reading your blog, you do some visualisation of “write as if everyone is watching” in whichever way moves you most, maybe:

  • look at your vision board to keep you grounded
  • watch youtube videos on entrepreneurs romanticising their life
  • plan what your future self will do when that is happening, and start doing some of those things. Bridge that gap
  • feel it, genuinely feel the excitement to your core. It’s there, the reality will follow very soon.


The day will come where you will be sharing the chart of analytics, with your audience, with the line going all the way up with so many views your Blog will be getting! Your hard work and commitment will pay-off.

So, write as if everyone is reading your blog, because one day they will be. Even if it is only 1 person more, each day, it is more than there was yesterday!

Therefore, how to keep writing when no one is reading your blog? Keep writing but with even more drive!

believe in yourself

If I didn’t mention this one, who would I even be?

How can I not promote such confidence-positivity, specially when it is so essential to our happiness but also our success!!!

You need to have an untouchable, unlimited sense of belief in yourself, and in your Blog to truly know that your Blog will be a success, and to genuinely believe in the authenticity you are sharing that will inevitably result in your pageviews going into the 1000s and 1000000s!

No one reading your Blog? Okay, not yet. That’s what this actionable is all about.

Affirming to yourself that the stats just haven’t caught up yet, the audience is still continuously arriving but just taking a bit longer than the present moment.

Even though, this one is related to the previous tip, it deserves its OWN CATEGORY, because if we don’t believe in ourselves, you will be completely thrown-off by no one reading your blog. We NEED to believe in ourselves, we owe it to ourselves, as the ultimate gesture of self-love, to stay committed to our Blog, our goals, our path towards financial freedom, and our dreamiest selves.

What to do if no one reads your Blog? Well, you believe in yourself right? So, you just keep doing what you are doing, keep learning, evolving, adapting, and connecting through your unique word, and you will 100% be getting endless traffic to your Blog in no-time.

Some ways to make sure you stick to believing in yourself, even when it feels hardest to, or life feels a bit tougher, personally, is:

  • self-talk: be intentional with your inner dialogue. Make sure all the words you feed yourself only serve to water the plant within you of self-belief. Even if you don’t truly feel it, tell yourself otherwise. Have your own back, and make sure you defy any negative thinking.
  • remember why you’re doing this. You love Blogging, you want financial freedom, you want to retire your parents, you want time freedom to enjoy life, you want to live life on your own terms, you want to quit your 9 to 5, you want to be your own boss. REMEMBER how big of a deal your ‘why’ is, let it be bigger than any self-doubt that may creep-in once in a while.
  • make yourself feel good. Use any form possible to make yourself happy, this is personal. If you feel happy, your joyful energy will overflow into all aspects of your life, including your Blog. If you’re feeling slightly demotivated with your Blog, it’s fine, it will happen, just make an effort to take time for having some fun; make time for joy. Maybe this, for you, means going to see your group of girl friends, doing a hobby, taking a class, going on a walk in nature. Do it for you.


At in her Full Effect, we know we are going to make it, our Blogs will create amazing, warm communities of girlies in their 20s, wanting to make money online, and we believe in ourselves. We don’t even stress at the idea of no one reading our Blog.

repeat after me: “it’s temporary”

The only difference between those who make it and those who don’t, is that those who reach their financial freedom and become a blogger full-time, NEVER STOPPED. Of course, I understand there is always a certain level of privilege in knowledge or experience that may help some people out, but at the end of the day, you still have to keep pushing through!

Believe it or not, all of the top Bloggers in the UK, worldwide, have all been where you are now.

Feels shocking right? But to get to 100,000 pageviews, their Blog had to start with 0 pageviews, and who knows for how long!

Bloggers who make £1000s each month also felt the same disappointment when checking their stats, had the same thoughts wondering when it was going to pick-up, Googled every way possible to boost their Blog just like YOU. If they quit, their narrative would have looked way different, but they implemented each one of the actionables we talk about here:

  • they didn’t rely on their stats to keep them going
  • they kept writing abundantly, as if everyone was already reading their content
  • they believed in themselves



  • they knew that this initial phase was TEMPORARY.


It is a temporary, but necessary process to go through unsuccess to be able to teach us the lessons, and make the improvements, and find our own authenticity, to create our own space, to take us to success.

You need to continuously reassure yourself that your stats won’t stay down for long, it is only a momentary stage of your sustainable ongoing blogging business.

Don’t get me wrong, I have been scared, at certain points in the past 4 months; scared I’d be the person who will quit, but that’s why self-belief is so important. You need to be so sure and passionate and committed and focused that you can see past the low or non-existent audience you have, right now, and think bigger and beyond that.

The evolution that follows, entrepreneurially, and personally, is what differentiates the success that follows.

I mean, a few months or even a year, of low or 0 pageviews is not a long time, compared to years and years of Blogging. It feels gruelling in the moment, of course! All the work and effort and time and passion, and you see no reward in-sight or guarantee, but the whole point is to know that you will only fail if you stop. So just know no matter how long it takes for your Blog to kick-off, your time will come.

(We affirm for 2024 success around here, but even if it takes a bit longer than expected, don’t take that as a sign that it is not meant for you, strengthen your inner cheerleader to be an Olympic gymnast champ, I mean it!)

I felt it was needed to mention this one since we can feel more alleviated with the reality that it is normal to go through this phase. Everyone does! You just need to be so serious about your dream life and Blog, that the low numbers can’t touch you (mentally), because you’ll keep trying no matter what.

Your Blog is part of you now.

I also think it is worthy to note the concept of time-urgency in the midst of this topic, since as a girlie in my 20s with the dream of financial freedom and retiring my parents, it feels as if I need get there yesterday, but to know you cannot avoid this is humbling. You need to go through what you need, to get to what you want. Let your drive fuel you to do everything possible to get there in as little time as possible, but also don’t overwork yourself (I’ve got a lot of posts all over this!) and be too hard on yourself if the results don’t match your standards, because you’re doing the best you can.

After all, the most important thing to keep in-mind here is to build your Blog audience in the most sustainable and everlasting way possible, whilst growing yourself in the process to be the best you can for yourself, first, and then your business, because it will all interconnect harmoniously, trust me.


I know, after reading this post, [if you’re still with me, comment below a “🖤”] you still won’t be too satisfied with these actionables.

Actually, it might have made you even MORE impatient (for all my perfectionist babes), but regardless we cannot speed-forward time or fake our growth (nor should we want it because it won’t be genuine). IT’s a marathon you need to commit to.

These tips will help make your journey a smoother one, since it is more about the journey than the goal itself.

I hope I’ve been able to give you abundance in food-for-thought, for all my Blogger girlies who are going through it like me, and I’ve been able to spark more of a logical view of the hope there is for us all.

Believe in yourself, trust the process, because I believe in you!