my stats 60 days into blogging: screenshots!

Blog Post Chapters

That’s right! I am about to show you the full breakdown of what it looks like (in my experience) to be Blogging consistently for 2 months, and give you some insight into my blogging business as I grow!

If you haven’t already, check out my other blog post on How to Build a Profitable Online Business as an Introvert: How I plan to and how you can too! so that you can get more in-depth about what I am actually doing.

However, in summary, I am:

  • Posting 2 Blog posts per week
  • Pinning Daily on Pinterest to promote these blog posts


As simple as that.

I hope to share some realism as to what goes beyond what you see, as an aspiring blogger entrepreneur, and how long it actually takes us to skyrocket this Blog business with abundant money online. I know, I always wanted to actually see Bloggers, and entrepreneurs, share, not only their income reports, but their timestamped progress of what their growth was actually looking like; that took them to having their first month with income online.

If this is you too, you can check how my experience was in the first month of Blogging, whilst working 9 to 5, here! No stats to report in the first month since I had only set up Google Analytics so it wouldn’t have shown much.

what I have been doing in the past 60 days?

First thing’s first, let’s see what steps I took to get me to my stats (coming after).

  • I opened and launched this Blog on 8th April 2024.

If you’re curious to see what my very FIRST ever Blog post was like, have a look right here.

  • For the first month, I was posting 1 post per week.
  • Pinning 3 times daily, promoting these posts each week.
  • For the second month, I increased my content to 2 posts per week.
  • Pinterest remained the same (if you want more on Pinterest and how to use it, comment below!)


my stats

Now, this may be the most shocking part of my whole Blog, and entrepreneurial journey, this far, but please see the below screenshots:

In order of what we see, we have my Blog stats from:

  1. WordPress Statistics (Plugin)
  2. WooCommerce Analytics (Plugin)
  3. Google Analytics


If you’re not sure how I got plugins, or what these even mean, I’m assuming you’re still setting up your Blog, so be sure to sign up to my mailing list (pop-up or at the bottom of my website) to follow all the tools and steps!

To my shock, it is not like Youtube, or what I know about Youtube, where you have your set number of analytics. As you can see, all of the above analytics display very different stats!

I would assume, purely based on majority, that my stats are somewhere around the 50s for visitors, and somewhere around the 130s for views, but I could be completely wrong…


Or, in other words, what does this mean? 

Unfortunately, I still don’t know what to rely on or why this is.

After my many hours scrolling through Forums, I still don’t quite understand or know which is most accurate.

However, from my judgement, I would take that Google Analytics would be most accurate, considering it is on-platform, and should be able to more reliably pull-in the correct data of Google traffic.

Of course, this makes me wonder how will I know my Blog will be ready to apply for ad agencies, if I don’t have accurate stats to inform me of when I have met the threshold requirements to apply (a newbie, but we dreaming BIG!).

On the flip side, there have been thousands of Bloggers before me, probably with the same question, and they still figured it out so I’m sure I will too, eventually.

Once I do, I’ll be sharing it with you all here!

As for views and visitors, this is a crucial difference I still need to learn more about to more deeply understand how my audience is engaging with my content, but this will also come along my research, with time.

my conclusion

My take on these stats after 60 days leaves me not having a particular stand, since I don’t have fixed stats. However, I know my Blog is getting some type of traffic flowing in, and even if it is only 10 views per month, I know the number will be increasingly higher as I keep growing my Blog.

I still have a lot to learn, and do, and am happy I’m at a point where most things on my Blog are now set-up. Therefore, I expect to see these numbers blow-up as we move along 2024, focusing more of my time and energy onto the content, and marketing.

Stay tuned, because it’s going to get even more interesting!

Comment if you like to see this kind of content, and I’ll be sure to keep doing monthly updates, in my stats, and one day, in my income (once I start making ANY kind of money online). Let me know what you think, or if you have a Blog of your own!