the compounding effect of choices in our 20s💡: food for thought kind-of-post

Blog Post Chapters

what this is about

The amount of times I go on Pinterest, or Tiktok, and get flooded with content from other girlies, just like me or even younger, living out completely different lives to me. The kind that involves a lot more freedom, a lot more fun, and a lot more fulfilment, a dream-kind of life.

Naturally so, you must be thinking. There are billions of people in the whole wide world, of course they will be living differently…Well yeah!

However, this really got me diving deeper into the notion that choices we make really create the path for where we are now, and where we will be in 5 years, and so on…

I mean, I’m not for promoting comparison here, and my first-ever blog post was about age comparison and how to not let that get to you on your entrepreneurial, and wellbeing, journey as a girlie in your 20s (check it out here!), because that’s HOW passionately I feel about it. But, it really got me thinking about the choices I make today, and each day to come.

personal example

I remember the day I was deciding whether or not to go to Uni, and I remember this day so vividly because it was the first time I questioned whether I should do what most people my age were doing.

I remember thinking there wasn’t much point because of the fact that there was nothing I could imagine myself doing, work-wise, that would make me happy, or that would fulfil me, so why would I go to University and to study what even?

This was a stage where I wasn’t set in my decisions or what I wanted, and so as a result, I did end up going to Uni because it was seen as advantageous to have a degree (now that I’m writing this, it feels like ages ago since today people don’t see it that way, but I promise, it wasn’t that long ago for me girls).

This is all to say that a pivotal decision, as such, meant that three years later I was looking for a job, no entrepreneurial desire yet, no clue of what to do or where to go next. However, if I had decided differently, maybe I would be three years ahead on my online business or have a lot more money from any other job I would have worked.

Purely for example purposes, I do not regret going to Uni and I believe things happened just as they should have for me, but it is to show how our choices really shape the path we are on.


Thinking about our choices, and how they may guide us in multiple different directions shapes the way we look at our lives, in the present moment.

Maybe I may want to lay down right now and not write blog posts for the next week, because of something personal, but then I think about how that may put me behind on my journey of achieving my financial freedom, and so, I may not do it today, but I might put extra effort into doing it tomorrow.

See what I mean?

If we take bigger decisions we may have in our 20s, such as…quitting our 9 to 5 jobs….OH I went there, I know.

I mean, it does really make me wonder whether I should just quit the job, and figure it out, so I can fuel my online business and scale it as much as possible, and whether that will be the choice that makes the difference. Then, you never really know.

Sometimes I also like to play the game of envisioning my life as if it was a movie, and seeing how taking spontaneous decisions could lead my life in faster or different directions with my Blogging business. Maybe I would achieve it all so much faster!

Thing is, we will never really know until we choose to make the decision.

decision paralysis

Thinking too much can almost cause a certain level of decision paralysis, where you can’t decide, and that’s okay, because a lot of the time, in your 20s, there is a A LOT MORE at stake (such as bills, responsibilities, etc).

However, when it comes to choice and its compounding effect on our lives, specially in our 20s, I think the main thing we need to depend on is our intuition.

What feels like the best next thing to do?

  • Repeating this question will create the path you are more aligned to, and are meant to be on.
  • You might think and plan all you like, but choosing is best done when you follow your gut.
  • Deep down you know what the next step is, you just need to get out of your head a little, in order to bring it to your awareness.


compounding effects

The way we choose our routines, lives, habits, company, thoughts, feelings; ultimately our choice of how to live our life in the miniscule of moments, brings through the most significant compounding effects in years to come. Whether it be health, wealth or joy, your choice navigates you through your life.

  • This is something to feel happy about, not afraid of or in remorse of.
  • You have control over how you choose to shift your every moment and move.
  • It’s not always about how disciplined you are with your routine, but it is about your consciousness towards your level of choice in each act, that can differentiate how your life is being created for your future self.
  • This reminder can keep you going, in the hardest of times, specially when you feel as if nothing is happening in your Blog, or online business.
  • Just know, that the magic is happening, the works are happening in the background, you just can’t see it yet, but you will; just don’t stop.


final thoughts

It’s okay to look back and think things may have gone differently if we had chosen differently, but we chose exactly what aligned with the level of person we were at the time, and that was completely meant to be.

Only through our choices, and consequent experiences, do we end up learning about what truly makes us unique, and discovering our authentic identity, in relations to everyone else in our 20s.

When persisting with your Blogging journey, or online business of any sort, make it a daily reminder to focus on your quality of choice over any demands, comparison, or impositions from anyone else. You can create your dream life, and you already are in every choice you make in its favour.

I hope this was a lovely thought-provoker; an eye-opening topic to elevate us out of what we get told to do to be our ideal self, and take it down to the basics that make our dream life a reality: our choice and its compounding effects in our 20s.

Comment below if there are any choices you have made so far in your 20s, that you feel has massively shifted the narrative of your life so far!