WHAT TO DO to achieve your dream life? ☾ finding your way, traditional job, money online, no idea.

Blog Post Chapters

We talk a lot, here on the Blog, about building your dream life, how to manage time, how to balance life, and how to live your most fulfilled life as a girlie in your 20s, whilst building your success online.

A lot of how-to’s! But to know how-to, you need to get specific on WHAT to do.

What if you don’t know what to do to get to your dream life?

I’m assuming, if you’re here, then your dream life would be to make money online, be your own boss, and achieve financial freedom for you and your loved ones, whilst living a fulfilling, happy life.

BUT, you may not know how to achieve this; how to make money online, with what.

It’s like we know what our dream life is, but don’t know what to do to get there.


You’re not alone on this one!

I knew the substance of what I wanted my dream life to be/ to not be; which came down to: not wanting to work a 9 to 5/or for someone else, wanting to earn money online (lots of it!), and wanting financial, and time, freedom. However, I had NO IDEA how I was actually going to get there; with what online business model?

In this girl-talk, I will be uncovering the tactics I personally used to define how I would get to my dream life, and what I would DO; in case you might be where I once was.

finding your way

I talk a lot about relatability, as girlies in our 20s, and so, if you feel quite lost with where you are at, I would first, advise you to check out my blog post on Navigating Life in your 20s as a boss girlie.

Finding your way is all about knowing that “your way” will be everchanging, as your goals change, your priorities change, and perhaps, your dreams change.

In order to know what to do to get to your dream life, you need to, first, be flexible in your awareness that this is something that may change, in its nature, over time.

For example:

  • It may be that you wanted to achieve your financial freedom by being a Youtuber, 2 years ago, but then realised you were too much of an introvert (like me; hey bestie) and this online business model just didn’t suit you.
  • Therefore, learning something new about yourself may shift what you will do to get to your dream life; it may shift your sense of direction, whilst still arriving to the same destination.


If you are an introvert, check out my other blog post on how to build a profitable online business (as an introvert) and how I plan to; so you can follow along my journey with me, and we can all become successful baddies in our 20s, in our own way!

guidance questions

After opening ourselves up to the possibility of change, along our journey of getting to our dream life, we need to ask ourselves the right questions to help guide us on what to do, to get there.

There are NO wrong questions, but this simply means asking yourself questions that will narrow down your options; to clear the path for what most aligns with you.

We want to eliminate distractions, and focus in on what would realistically work for you.

Use these questions to start with:

  • How much time do I have to dedicate to my online business?
  • Do I have responsibilities that require me to work full-time/9 to 5 for the mean time (like paying bills)?
  • Is there any online business I would like to pursue?
  • Do I want to create a personal brand (showing myself) or create a brand identity (faceless)?
  • What kind of lifestyle do I want to live?
  • How much money do I need to earn online, monthly, to quit my 9 to 5 (if applicable)?


A few things to note:

  • Establishing your responsibilities, and time availability, sets the standard that it needs to be an online business model that can be sustainable alongside your other priorities in life. I have a blog post to help you manage time here!
  • You don’t have to know all the answers already; chances are there are way more online business models than you are even aware of!


Let these questions guide a brainstorm of characteristics that provide your own personalised criteria, so that when you are searching for what online business model to pursue, you can see whether it fits with your priorities, values, and whether it self-aligns.

no idea

At this stage, if you have done some introspection in your self-awareness, and also answered the guidance questions, but still feel like you can’t quite see what to do, then, I’ve got you.

This was me too!

I will share my own personal case study below, so you can feel more assured that this is totally relatable. I mean, we don’t all have endless hours in the day to sit and figure this all out simply and perfectly. That sure wasn’t the case for me too. 

Regardless of what stage you are at, in your journey, just know it is relatable, it is fine, and try not to compare yourself to others. There will always be someone younger at where we want to be with our financial freedom; that doesn’t mean you can’t get there too. (If you suffer with age comparison, have a read here).

Nonetheless, I provide you with another solution that will help you with establishing what to do to reach your dream life, that consists of the following two steps:

  1. Content Immersion
  2. Trial and Test


This is a bit of a longer route, and for some of you, if you’re like me, you won’t enjoy the idea of having to take longer to figure out WHAT to do, since we all know it already might take a while once pursuing your chosen online business model itself.

However, it may be a necessary path, depending on where you are at in your journey.

Part 1: Content Immersion

This is exactly as it sounds.

If you don’t know what to do, my TOP advice would be for you to immerse yourself in as much content as possible.

I want you to take this on as your research phase; research as many online business models across different platforms. Use Youtube, books, Google forums, social media.
See what others are doing, something might spark interest in you, and if anything; it opens your mind to the possibilities and methods out there.

Part 2: Trial and Test

Here, we take what we have researched, and we take action. Not on everything, and anything, but pick two or three online business models that you would like to try, and try it!

Maybe you want to try one after the other, or at the same time, integrated into one business model, or brand.

Get creative, and know that you’ll be feeling fear along the way and you will make mistakes, but that’s part of it.

At some point, you’ll see that your online business model and brand will present itself to you.

case study: my own experience

You may have heard me mention before, that I have been on my journey of trying to make money online for about one year now.

It was one year of me trialling and testing different online business models, failing, trying again, trying different methods online, feeling frustrated but also hopeful, persevering, until somewhere along the way; after so much content immersion and trialling; my business presented itself to me. I don’t mean literally, but I mean I actually clicked with an online business model; Blogging.

Now, that I look back on my journey, it feels like this was such an obvious route to have started with, since I’m an introvert, I love writing, and I wanted to nurture a supportive community of other girlies, in their 20s, just like me.

However, it wasn’t obvious to me a year ago, and I had to go through the more time-consuming route of figuring out by simply testing and seeing for myself, what worked for me.

Not everyone already knows what to do to get to their dream life, and I FEEL THAT, because that was me not long ago.

So, here I am, after following the above steps, and one year into my journey, I finally feel aligned and truly confident with my online business, that I started just over 30 days ago.

That’s my case study of how I found WHAT I was meant to do to reach my dream life.

Once you do too, you will no longer worry as much because you will feel so good about what you are doing, and confident, that you know it is just a matter of time until your online business takes you to your destination; financial freedom.