why email marketing is essential for entrepreneurial wealth! (hint: passive income!)

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the verdict.

Start email marketing today with Convertkit Creator plan, for the most affordable (only £9 a month, if at 0 subscribers) option for the most value out there; including automation and targeted experiences that will boost your wealth like no other. Every Blogger or entrepreneur email market for a reason: Email marketing is key in your entrepreneurial wealth journey, since you will OWN the email list, and that will give you huge business sustainability.

I personally use, and recommend, beginners (or not) to email market with Convertkit Creator to start living out your dream life; Convertkit Creator allows automation which is key to passive income, and KEY to start exchanging less of your time for money.

Sign-up with a 14-day FREE Trial and select the Convertkit Creator plan as an essential step to your journey, in making money online!

This is something I definitely wished someone would have told me, when I first started my Blog, 3 months ago!

Now, for those who want to become the best in the game, let’s get into it!

Email marketing is simply the process of collecting emails, in exchange for providing valuable content.

This guide will explain why email marketing is essential for entrepreneurial wealth and how you can get started, particularly with the unbeatable offer from ConvertKit, which you can use for free until you reach 10,000 subscribers, however for only £9/month: Creator plan (up until 300 subscribers) OR only £20/month: Pro plan (up until 1000 subscribers) you can automate your emails; which is CRUCIAL for passive income, and is what I personally use!

I’m giving you all the knowledge, all the tools, and all the follow-along step-by-steps to make it as easy as possible for you. Everything in this one blog post!

Quick disclaimer: there may be affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. I only recommend what I personally use, trust and enjoy!

To not waste your time, here’s what we will be getting into in this blog post:

  • The Short Answer of why email marketing is so important to making money online
  • Benefits of email marketing for business
  • Can you make money with email marketing
  • How to email marketing as a beginner for free
  • Why Convertkit Creator is the best
  • Boost your wealth: Start Email Marketing Today with ConvertKit Creator


the short answer

Why is it so hyped? Because it is something you have OWNERSHIP over.

You can be a Tiktok content creator, a super mega-successful Youtuber, or even a highly accredited Blogger, but if Tiktok, Youtube, and Google were to go away tomorrow, so would the majority of your business income.

Now, this also ties into the need to diversifying our income streams, however, the main way to set yourself up for the strongest kind of passive income online, for the future, is to create and build something you OWN.

You could ask me “but email platforms also rely on companies that sustain the business right?” Like, for example, if you email market with Convertkit (which you should because it’s amazing for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs, but more on that later), and Convertkit was to go away, wouldn’t you be left with nothing?

Well, not really, because I would have my subscribers list that I could migrate to another platform.

It is a super sustainable and one of the smartest business options, to make passive income, and to sustain your online business longevity.

So … Why is email marketing so essential for entrepreneurial wealth? There’s a bit of a taster.

More into it now!

benefits of Email Marketing for business

Let’s understand how much good something that might sound boring, at first, such as email marketing, can do to our online business, brand, and consequently: WEALTH.

  1. Direct Communication: Email allows you to communicate directly with your audience. Unlike social media algorithms, which can limit the visibility of your posts, emails go straight to your subscribers’ inboxes.
  2. Personalization: With email marketing, you can tailor your messages to individual subscribers based on their preferences, behaviours, and purchase history. This level of personalization enhances engagement and conversion rates. MEANING, more chances of getting people to stick!
  3. High ROI (return-on-investment): Email marketing consistently delivers a high return on investment (ROI). According to the Data & Marketing Association, for every £1 spent on email marketing (on automation and advanced tools), the average ROI is £42, making it one of the most cost-effective marketing channels.
  4. Builds Trust and Loyalty: Regular, valuable email content helps build trust with your audience. By providing useful information, exclusive offers, and personalized messages, you foster loyalty and keep your brand top-of-mind. MEANING, the more trust and community-base, the easier to convert sales or referrals!
  5. Scalable: Whether you have 100 subscribers or 100,000, email marketing scales with your business. You can start small and grow your email list over time, using automation and segmentation to manage your campaigns efficiently. Convertkit Creator (only £9 or £20 a month – depending on number of subscribers) enables several automation features, so you don’t have to manually send emails for each new subscriber; it quite literally will work whilst you sleep!!!


Another MAJOR advantage is we (mostly) all check our email inbox every single day, but with social media, there is more of an awareness to reduce our screen-time for these applications!!!

can you make money with Email Marketing? how much money can you make online Email Marketing?

I think most people will be more interested on how email marketing can boost their profit, and potential in making money online, and fair play! We are all looking to create online success with our businesses, and quit our 9 to 5s.

According to Coursera, an email marketer with less than 1 year-experience (I’d say that’s very-much beginner level in the email marketing game) can earn anywhere up-to around £56,000, in that year.

Of course, it does massively help to already have a big audience, or email list, to get there faster BUT this, to show you the potential and HUGE difference it can make.

Even if it takes 1 year or more, better than never getting there am I right? We will always want our freedom, best to do the most and increase our chances of getting there! Email marketing with Convertkit Creator is one of those ways we can all get there, and is what I am also trying to do to quit my 9 to 5 in 2024!

how to Email Marketing as a beginner, for free (almost)

Starting your email marketing journey involves a few easy, BUT KEY, steps:

  1. Choose an Email Marketing Service: To manage your email campaigns effectively, you need a reliable email marketing service. I personally use ConvertKit Creator, which is an excellent choice, especially for  beginner entrepreneurs, only £9 a month, and allows me to automate the work so I spend less time putting in the manual work. However, ConvertKit offers a free plan until you reach 10,000 subscribers, which shows range, but this plan DOES NOT include automation. BEGINNER-FRIENDLY to start: check!!!
  2. Build Your Email List: Growing your email list with Convertkit Creator is crucial. Use strategies like offering a free lead magnet that your audience would find value in (e.g., eBooks, checklists, webinars), creating compelling signup forms, and promoting your email list on Pinterest and along your website footer.
  3. Create Quality Content: Your emails should provide value to your subscribers. Focus on creating engaging content that addresses their needs and interests; think about including gifs, relatable quotes and really focus on connecting with your audience. You can easily add personalised touches, such as gifs, on Convertkit Creator. Mix informational emails, promotional offers, and personal stories to keep your audience engaged!
  4. Segment Your Audience: Segmentation features allow you to send targeted emails to different groups within your list. This improves relevance and effectiveness. For example, you can segment based on demographics, purchase behaviour, or engagement level. However, start simply with one email funnel, and allow this to be more of a priority further down, as you learn, and grow, your email list! This feature only with Convertkit Creator or Convertkit Pro.
  5. (My FAVOURITE!!): Automate Your Campaigns: Automation saves time and ensures consistency. Set up automated welcome sequences for new subscribers, only with Convertkit Creator plan, nurture sequences to build relationships, and follow-up sequences for abandoned carts or recent purchases.


Clearly, A LOT of advantages that can truly make a difference in your online business journey.

These are all advantages mostly targeting the Convertkit Creator (only £9/month) or Creator Pro (only £20/month) plan, up to 1000 subscribers, since this is the plan that will unlock the most significant difference in profit potential, without breaking the bank. You can start for FREE with a 14-day trial, and see for yourself!

My advice: start simple. Collect emails, in exchange for a free digital download (that provides value and is something your audience could benefit from) AND THEN, diversify as you go, with time.

why ConvertKit Creator is the best choice

ConvertKit Creator is designed with entrepreneurs in mind; entrepreneurs at all levels just like beginners, because we all start off as beginners. Features offered make it easy to grow and monetize your email list! Here’s why ConvertKit stands out:

  1. Affordable / Free Trial for 14 days: ConvertKit’s generous plans allows you to build your email list up to 1,000 subscribers for only £9, on the Creator plan. This unmatched offer gives you ample time to grow your audience and start generating revenue before you need to invest more money, which is exactly what we need as beginners, or even as we grow! 
  2. User-Friendly Interface: ConvertKit’s interface is intuitive and easy to use, even for beginners. You can quickly create beautiful email campaigns, design landing pages, and set up automation workflows (only with Convertkit Creator) without technical expertise.
  3. Powerful Automation: ConvertKit Creator offers advanced automation features that help you create personalized email sequences based on subscriber actions. Set-up once and let it work for you!
  4. Amazing Analytics: ConvertKit Creator provides detailed analytics that allow you to track the performance of your email campaigns. Understanding metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates helps you optimize your strategy for better results.
  5. Integration with Popular Tools: ConvertKit Creator integrates seamlessly with self-hosted (Bluehost), WordPress.org platforms for our blogs, which is what we are all about here! This integration simplifies your workflow and enhances your marketing efforts.


Sign up for ConvertKit Creator today and start building your email list for only £9!

boost your wealth: start Email Marketing today with ConvertKit Creator!

You have everything you need to put all the knowledge to action, so get going and start with ConvertKit Creator for the most value; offering everything you need to build, grow, and monetize your email list. Further down your money making journey, online, it will make a SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE to your wealth to start an email list, so start now, for your future-self, for your future-freedom.

You can start for free with a FREE 14-day trial! I heavily recommend getting ahead, as a beginner, and going for the Convertkit Creator plan, at an affordable price of only £9 a month, to set you miles ahead in your online passive income journey.

With an affordable plan, price at 2 to 3 coffees, for a WHOLE MONTH. that supports up to 1,000 subscribers, as a beginner entrepreneur, there’s no reason to wait.

Sign up for ConvertKit Creator now and start your email marketing journey today!